JCPenney Free Children Haircuts are Back (11/4/12)
The Free Haircuts for kids at JCPenney did so well last month that
they’ve decided to do it again! Starting 11/4/12 your child Kindergarten
to 6th grade can get their hair cut for Free! Appointments will fill up
fast so it’s best to call ahead to get a spot!
Head on over and sign up for the Godiva Rewards Member Program?
There are all sorts of perks with the program. The best thing being you
get a free chocolate sample in-store each month for Free!
TriCalm Freebie Sample
Score a TriCalm Sample. Official Blurb From Tricalm
TriCalm’s® steroid-free gel delivers powerful relief from itching,
burning and stinging. TriCalm’s patented formula goes to the source of
the irritation to alleviate discomfort associated with insect bites,
poison ivy, sun burns and other skin ailments.