“This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.”
Everyone will go through some hard times at some point. No matter how strong you show yourself, it still is not easy. Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile and see how much pain they may be in. Getting pregnant has been the most difficult phase of my life.

We have been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years and still no luck. I feel helpless and depressed. We are doing everything we can. When my husband was studying, we could not afford IVF treatment and to be honest the treatment is outrageously expensive. It is still not possible for us to afford. My husband was a smoker and after many tries he has been finally able to quit. And his work keeps him out of town and we are not able to be together at the right time. Or sometimes the time is right but we are not in the mood. It makes me more depressed when I hear my friends getting pregnant even when they are not trying, it's so easy for them, but for us it has been the hardest thing.
I must say, my family has been a great support. My mother in law is a gem and she has never mentioned or made me realize even though, she really wants grandkids. My husband has been a great support. My mom on the other hand reminds me constantly. It is really depressing and frustrating.

We have been to a specialist and have conducted a couple of tests and everything seems normal so the doctor suggested to have IVF treatment. But the treatment is expensive and is not private enough for me, plus it wouldn’t be easy because we travel a lot and mostly are out of town. It seems like Stork OTC has an answer to our problems. It is a home FDA cleared device that is affordable, easy & private.
Stork OTC is sold at Walgreens in the Family planning isle. It was easy to find and it was $79.99 . It's way cheaper than getting a treatment at the clinic. It is feasible and can be used in the privacy of my own house at anytime I want .
You can join me at the twitter party #TTCwithStorkOTC #ad on 27th March at 8pm EST
You can join me at the twitter party #TTCwithStorkOTC #ad on 27th March at 8pm EST
I am having high hopes and praying to get pregnant soon.
Right now Walgreens is giving 5000 balance rewards points with the purchase of a Stork OTC in March and April as well.